“Dirty Jobs With Clean Results

“Multiple Acre Properties”

  • Dirt/Gravel Driveway Renovations

  • Landscaping For Wildfire Defense

  • Tractor Mowing

  • Snow Blowing/Plowing

From Mancos to Pagosa Springs, Purgatory to Arboles,

We’ve Got You Covered Southwest Colorado!

Our Services

  • Wildfire Mitigation

    We provide wildfire mitigation as Wildfire Defense, llc. We’re a Colorado State Forest Service listed Forestry and Wildfire Mitigation company. We work for 1-acre & up property owners in southwest Colorado. It’s basically “Landscaping for Wildfire Defense”. We offer a free site visit, consultation and estimate. Be sure to ask about grants and tax incentives to help pay for fire mitigating your property.

    Learn more at: www.wildfiredefense.us

  • Gravel Driveway Renovations

    We work and live in Southwest Colorado in rural, wildland-urban interface areas, where people live on acreages, 1-acre & up. One thing nearly all have in common, other than living in wildfire prone areas, is dirt & gravel roads and driveways. We created “Dirty Jobs Property Services” to provide solutions to common problems faced by our customers. Like renovating their dirt & gravel roads and driveways. We provide a free site visit and estimate to bring your dirt & gravel driveway back to like-new appearance and function. We can also expand your driveway and/or parking areas for better access and usability.

  • Additional Services

    Providing solutions to common needs faced by our customers living in rural, wildland urban interface areas. Services such as hauling, tree, brush & slash removal, tractor mowing, chipping and firewood splitting.


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